Section 504 Assistant© assists schools in conducting Section 504 meetings.
Section 504 Assistant
Section 504 Assistant® provides everything needed for the Section 504 process:
- Section 504 Referral
- Invitation letters for all 504 meetings
- Eligibility, including Section 504 Plan Review and Reevaluation forms
- Manifestation Determination
- Print or import the Section 504 plan into a school's Section 504 plan
There are over 800 different accommodations in Section 504 Assistant and over 5,100 total accommodations. This includes quizzes/tests, school trips, emergency exits from the school, shelter-in-place, and adaptive physical education fields for most of the disabilities listed.
Schools are not limited to the Section 504 Assistant's accommodations; they can quickly include their custom accommodations in a student's Section 504 Plan. There are 434 expandable fields for custom Section 504 recommendations with related services fields for each disability.
The Section 504 Assistant now includes 106 disabilities, including a new disability, Long COVID, introduced by the ADA (with 248 accommodations).
The Section 504 Assistant for state assessments includes Smarter Balanced and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) accommodations and general accommodations for these assessments. There are an additional 34 accommodations for state assessments and 20 for college entrance tests/AP exams.
- Conduct Section 504 meetings
- Write Section 504 Plans
- Maintain and generate Section 504 student lists
- Includes 106 Section 504 Disabilities
- Includes the major disability areas cited by ADA:
- Allergies
- Asthma
- Central Auditory Processing
- Communicable Disease
- Diabetes
- Dyslexia
- Long COVID (New)
- Orthopedic Impairment
- Social Maladjustment
- Temporary Injury
- Also includes other ADA-recognized disabilities:
- Anxiety
- Arthritis
- Cystic Fibrosis
- Depression
- Digestive
- Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (New)
- Fine Motor
- Hearing
- Mobility
- Neurological Disorder
- Seizure Disorder
- Sensory Processing Disorder (New)
- Speech
- Spina Bifida
- Stamina
- Tourette Syndrome
- Vision Impairment
- 106 total Section 504 disability areas
- Total Accommodations: 5,163
- Over 800 different accommodations
- Generic 504 disability and accommodations for a disability not listed in Section 504 Assistant
- 534 Accommodations
- 41 expanding fields for custom recommendations
Section 504 disorders and accommodations
If you are viewing this on a smart device, or your browser does not support inline PDFs, you can access the full list at this link: Section 504 Disorders and Accommodations (PDF).