School Psychological Report Writer AI© assists school psychologists in easily and efficiently writing both simple and comprehensive reports. Use AI-generated text to write reports or interpret tests.
School Psychological Report Writer AI Enhanced
School Psychological Report Writer AI is now School Psychological Report Writer AI Enhanced.
School Psychological Report Writer AI Enhanced® uses artificial intelligence to help you work smarter by quickly generating text for reports or assisting in test interpretation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) narratives were improved to make them more relevant using the latest AI model (GPT-4o-mini).
This version of requires a license key for AI usage. You can purchase your license key here.
This major update also includes customizable report headers, program refinements and enhanced program stability. Additional new tests were added to the School Assessments, Province/State Assessments, and evaluation sections. Outdated tests were removed.
The update to School Psychological Report Writer AI Enhanced also includes:
- Over 425 tests for the 12 individual evaluation sections, including DAS-II NU, new tests for Australia and New Zealand School Psychological Report Writer AI Enhanced users
- Test results reported include up to 28 tests with composite scores or 14 tests with both subtests and composite scores
- Expanded program sections for easy narrative entry
- Redesigned formatting of the program to be more user-friendly
- Customizable Report Headers that can be customized for school district report requirements.
- Encrypted Data Files that can only be read by School Psychological Report Writer AI Enhanced
- Three Types of Classroom Observation Narrative: Frequency, Momentary Time Sampling, and Duration. Plus, Classroom Observation Charts
- PASS PSW model was added to the existing Dehn's and CHC PSW models
- Progress Monitoring and Rate of Learning are now part of the Reason for Referral section
- Over 360 School interventions listed in Reason for Referral interventions
- School Assessments now include over 260 individual and group-administered tests
- 1,428 Recommendations for 61 areas, including COVID-19
- Over 65 genetic disorders added to the Health section
- Easy charting of test scores
- The Selective Test Scores® feature charts that only test areas that have scores
- Ability-Achievement Charts (51 Intelligence and 58 achievement tests)
- Normal Curve Intelligence Charts and narratives
- PDFs can now be opened with Microsoft Edge on Windows
- Easy import of report data to the school's district external internet reporting systems
Report Writing
Various sections can be selected and inserted into reports:
- Reason for Referral
- Educational Records Review
- Previous Testing Results
- Health History (includes a Health History form)
- Developmental Milestones (includes a Developmental History form)
- ESL Background Information
- Tests Administered
- Classroom Observation (includes a Classroom Observation form)
- Student Interview
- Test Observations
- Pattern of Strengths and Weaknesses
- Recommendations
School Psychological Report Writer AI Enhanced formats reports into Rich Text Format (RTF) which can be read by popular word-processing apps such as Microsoft Word and Apple Pages. A separate data file is also created, saving all student information separately from the report for the ability to re-export later.
Example report
If you are viewing this on a smart device, or your browser does not support browser PDFs, you can access the full report example at this link: School Psychological Report Writer AI Enhanced report example (PDF).
Report Creation Options
Report Summary and Recommendations
Reason for Referral, 201 School Interventions
Health History Input Fields
Developmental Milestones Input Fields
Classroom Observation
Student Interview Fields
DSM-V Diagnostic Codes
Includes over 483 tests (including those used in Australia, Canada New Zealand and the United Kingdom):
- 90 Achievement Tests
- 11 Adaptive Scales
- 25 ADHD Scales
- 20 Autism Spectrum Scales
- 107 Behavior Tests
- 18 Developmental Scales
- 23 Executive Function Tests
- 10 Gifted Assessment Scales
- 78 Intelligence Tests
- 24 Memory Tests
- 47 Processing Tests
- 26 Visual-Motor Tests
Additional tests:
- State and Province and State Assessments with over 190 school assessments and 175 province/state tests for educational background information used in the U.S. and Canada
- Includes tests that can be remotely administered to children
- Features an expanded number of behavior tests with Spanish translations
Tests Administered: Test Selection
Tests Results Example
Achievement Test Results
Intelligence Test Results
ADHD Test Results
ADHD Recommendations
Reading Recommendations
Educational Records Review: 206 School Assessments
Educational Records Review: 175 Providence and State Assessments
Includes special charts for Rate of Learning and Intelligence Normal Distribution.
The Normative Curve Cognitive Score charts section has been enhanced and expanded to include 41 major cognitive tests. In the normal curve narrative feature, the scores are reported using the test’s own score descriptors with colors represented in the normal distribution curve.
Behavior rating scales feature Selective Raters®, which permits the assignment of raters' names in test charts.
All bar charts have the Selective Scores® feature, which only charts test areas that have scores, removing unsightly blank areas.
The Rate of Learning section includes 20 major RTI tests, but additional tests can be added for analysis. This section includes a new feature, Benchmark Completion Percentage for non-standard scores.
Also includes an expanded section on Dr. Dehn's PSW Model, which is used by many states for specific learning disability identification.