Rate of Learning

The Rate of Learning (ROL)© is helps schools to monitor RTI progress and save monitoring data without using spreadsheets. Rate of Learning is a free download.

The Rate of Learning application is a significant update to its predecessor, SPL Helper, which was used in the West Virginia school system for several years.


  • Incorporates major tests used to monitor RTI by schools
  • Schools can also enter tests not in the program to calculate the rate of learning for students.
    • Tests entered manually can be saved and used as templates for other students
  • Academic monitoring can be charted with trend lines representing a student's progress compared to the necessary progress to meet benchmarks
  • A new feature called Benchmark Completion Percentage for non-standard scores shows the current percentage of benchmark scores completed by the student based on monitoring data
    • A Benchmark Completion Percentage chart that shows percentages for all monitoring scores can be added to RTI school team reports
  • Rate of Learning data can be continuously saved and retrieved for 15 sessions
  • Charts can be added to school forms
  • Does not use spreadsheets, which can be cumbersome when computing students' rate of learning
  • Print or save reports
  • A standalone program that does not depend on an Internet connection
  • Includes a Quick Start Guide (PDF)
  • FREE download for schools and school personnel

The Rate of Learning application does not include benchmark scores for any tests since benchmark scores are considered intellectual property by test publishers. Benchmark scores must be entered by school personnel for the rate of learning analysis.

Example Report

If you are viewing this on a smart device, or your browser does not support inline PDFs, you can access the full report example at this link: Rate of Learning report example (PDF).

Test selection and chart examples
